Office Protocols
Here you can read yours protocols of the office job, such handling a lead.
How to use Toodoist?
Rules of using Todooist
- Use "Pop's Office" project to manage day-to-day work.
- Everyday clean the repeated tasks.
- When you "Done" with your task, DON'T complete it, move it under "DONE" column and add a comment with a tag of the task owner by using @, letting him know the task is ready to review. If he's satisfied, he will be the one to complete the task.
How to use AirTable?
Workiz Protocols
Leads Pipeline
Never had interaction with us
We create contact with the client = and must use a tag for what the progress is right now.
Next Action – Keep calling the customer.
The customer didn’t answer, and needed to call again twice on the same day every 4 hours and twice the day after.
if now answer for more than a week, move to > “Customer rejected” and use “Never Answered” Tag.
We scheduled an estimate.
Need to follow up.
The client got an estimate from the office or the estimator. Need to follow up after a day > 2 days> 5 days.
- You have to document in the Job note, why it’s not closed. If related to price. Need to update Yossi.
The client doesn’t meet our profit criteria or we can’t help him.
The client doesn’t want service. Add a tag: “with diff company” / “due to price” – of that due price so we need to let Yossef know about that.
General Rules
- When we close the lead (WIN) clients, means he SIGNED & PAY Deposit (Deposit required just in case of installation)- We converting the lead to JOB.
- Leads can't stay at "New" status for more of the same day.
- Follow ups includes call, SMS and email together.
- Whenever you try / make any interaction with the client, you need first to review previous notes, and to document it in the lead note, as shown below.
Jobs Pipeline
The client signed & paid the deposit (if needed), we scheduled the job, and we assigned a tech for the job.
- If created more than a week ago, and hasn’t moved to Pending or In progress, you need to check why and update Yossef.
Use Sub-Status
- Waiting on Material – still need to get the needed material to start the job.
- Need to Reschedule – if for some reason the office or the client needs to reschedule. The reason has to be documented in the “job notes”
- Ready to Execute- all the preparation are done, and we ready to start the job at the scheduled day.
Tech is on-site – The job started
Need to verify that the job met the clients satisfaction, the client had paid, and we asked for a review.
All the criteria before (Done pending approval) have been met.
Next Action
#1 add a tag “offer next year tune-up”
#2 – Call the clients as soon as possible and:
- Ask for feedback.
- If the client happy then:
- Explain about a warranty for a year they got.
- Schedule a service call and tune-up for next year for $49.
- Let them know they can reschedule or cancel at any time.
Only after you schedule the service, you are allowed to take the tag off.
Why the job has been canceled? Have to note that and update Yossef immediately.
General Rules
- Pending status jobs with a tag of need to reschedule, can't take more than a 2 weeks.
- Follow ups includes call, SMS and email together.
- Whenever you try / make any interaction with the client, you need first to review previous notes, and to document it in the lead note, as shown below.
Lead Flow Canvas
Workiz - Leads Reports
* The leads reports should be generate at the end of every month
- 1. Number of Leads
- 2. Number of leads that convert to Jobs (Won)
- 3. Conversion Rate
- 4. The amount of money the leads sold for
- 5. Time frame for the report
Workiz Jobs Statistics
- 1. The time frame
- By time: segment by the time the job has been Created / Scheeduled / Closed. Usually we will choose "Created" so we can know how get the statistics about jobs that created within the time frame that we choose.
- 3. An overview dashboard
- 4. Jobs Overview tab
- 5. Segment the jobs by the Source we got them from (Google, Facebook, etc).
Rules & Notes
- Generate this report every beginning of a month and choose the time frame of the month before.
- Take close attention for the number of Canceled and let the owner know if there is something unusual
- Summarize the finding in the Report base at AirTable
- You can look on "Closed" Job to learn more about money that we should got during this time frame.
- You can learn about the marketing performance by looking at the ad source and find trend and what the business best performance source of jobs.
Workiz - Website Requests
- 1. The ad group (Source)
- 2. Sort by date
- 3. Choose if delete or read the message to check if the lead is qualified
- Always filter by date and then sort by the latest
- Sort by date
- Choose if delete or read the notes to check if the lead is qualified
- Summarize the finding in the Report base at AirTable
Callrail Report
- 1. Select the company the report is about
- 2. Select the time frame
- 3. Select to show the results by; Source, Campaign, Keywords or referring page.
- 4. Choose First Time Caller to track only leads
- 5. View as Pie chart or a Graph
- 6. Choose Inbound call to filter only people who call to us.
Rules & Notes
- Generate this report every beginning of a month and choose the time frame of the month before.
- Look for trends compare to previous month and highlight anything that is abnormal.
- Always name the numbers by their purpose so it will be
- For SEO, it can be a good idea to segment the results by "referring page" to get insight on our top converting pages